Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Survey says: Most noprofiteers blend their personal/professional brands | Big Duck

Survey says: Most noprofiteers blend their personal/professional brands | Big Duck: Last week I had the joy of presenting a workshop with the fabulous Danielle Brigida of the National Wildlife Federation at the 7th Annual Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference in Washington, DC. To gear up for our session on "Mixing Business and Pleasure: Managing Your Personal Brand in Social Media," we asked nonprofiteers (readers like you!) to respond to a quick survey about their own behaviors.

We heard from 209 nonprofit staff, consultants, and the people who love us--and some of the results suprised us. While not scientific, the survey offers some interesting insights and we highlighted the key findings in our presentation (included in the slides below and online here). Here are some of those insights:

Boomer women bigger donors, study says � Philanthropy North Carolina

Boomer women bigger donors, study says � Philanthropy North Carolina: At all income levels, and no matter what share of permanent income they give, Boomer and older women give 89 percent more to charity than their male counterparts, says Women Give 2012, a study from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

Among women in the top 25 percent of permanent income who give at the highest level, or 3 percent or more of income, Boomer and older women give 156 percent more than men the same circumstances.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grey Matter - Non-profit Overhead

Grey Matter - Non-profit Overhead: The average American adult believes it is reasonable for non-profit organizations to spend 23 cents out of every dollar on overhead expenses such as fundraising and administration. The problem is, that same average adult believes non-profits actually spend 37 cents out of every dollar on overhead – in other words, 60% more than they should.

These figures come from a new study conducted by Grey Matter Research (Phoenix, Arizona) among a demographically representative sample of 1,011 American adults. The study is titled Where’d My Money Go?, and is a follow-up to a 2008 study of the same name.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Study Reveals The Geography of Charitable Giving : NPR

Study Reveals The Geography of Charitable Giving : NPR: Ever wonder how charitable the people are who live in your state or community? It turns out that lower-income people tend to donate a much bigger share of their discretionary incomes than wealthier people do. And rich people are more generous when they live among those who aren't so rich.

How America Gives - The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas

How America Gives - The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas