Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hire More Fundraising Rain-Makers During Recession, New AHP Study Concludes -

Hire More Fundraising Rain-Makers During Recession, New AHP Study Concludes - "These and other important findings come from the latest series of reports from the AHP Performance Benchmarking Service for fiscal year 2007, which takes in the early months of the current recession. The AHP's annual surveys examine the performance of organizations, such as hospital-affiliated foundations, that raise funds for nonprofit health care facilities."


San Francisco Sentinel » Blog Archives » SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA NONPROFITS STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE - SURVEY: "One third of Bay Area nonprofits are concerned they may cease operations within the next year, according to United Way of the Bay Area’s 2009 Nonprofit Pulse Survey. Correspondingly, 34% report they have two or fewer months of operating expenses in reserves."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Passion and Purpose Video Page 1 of 4

Passion and Purpose Video Page 1 of 4: "In June of 2008, when the Boston Foundation published its first major report on the state of the nonprofit sector in Massachusetts, called Passion & Purpose, one of the goals was to explore ways to enhance this powerful sector’s financial viability and maximize its impact. The data in the report uncovered the strength and the vulnerabilities of the sector. With $87 billion in revenues, $207 billion in assets, and close to 450,000 workers, the Massachusetts nonprofit sector emerged as a major economic force. But the impact of the sector’s growth—combined with a lack of growth in financial support and increasing community need—had taken its toll, resulting in a weakening economic condition. By 2007, the sector had just about recovered from the recession that started in 2001 and worsened after 9/11. We had no way of knowing, of course, that the next recession was just around the corner—and that it would be the most serious economic downturn since World War II."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gifted at giving: An 11-year-old buoys Oregon coast food bank -

Gifted at giving: An 11-year-old buoys Oregon coast food bank - "FLORENCE -- By the time Taylor Graham started school, he was already gifted at giving -- though it's doubtful anyone would have predicted by age 11, he would be the dynamo behind the biggest fundraiser the local food sharing agency has known."