Wednesday, September 01, 2010

CT charitable grants climbed from 2006 to 2008 | Hartford Business

CT charitable grants climbed from 2006 to 2008 | Hartford Business: "Connecticut grantmakers distributed more than $902.7 million in 2008, a 22 percent increase from 2006, according to 2010 Connecticut Grantmaking Highlights published by the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Voluntary sector staff turnover slows but stays above UK average - Third Sector: "Voluntary sector staff turnover slows but stays above UK average
By Kate Youde, Third Sector, 31 August 2010
Economic conditions and job cuts stop charity staff from moving on
Staff turnover in the voluntary sector decreased significantly in the year to March 2010 but is still higher than the UK average, a new report indicates.
The study of 90 medium and large organisations by management and HR consultancy Agenda Consulting found there was 'quite a significant drop' in the proportion of people leaving their jobs compared with 2008/09."

Survey shows how, why we give |

Survey shows how, why we give | "Meanwhile, 61 percent of donors dropped checks in the mailbox -- including four of 10 donors under the age of 40.

Another 34 percent donated online, the survey said. And most people contributed to charities in several ways, said Lisa McIntrye, a Russ Reid senior vice president.

The 'Heart of the Donor'' report was based on interviews with more than 2,000 adults online and by telephone in June."